3. He is all but 21 yrs. old. Allow me to categorically state that I am not fond of kids, and never have been. In fact, it I consider myself downright allergic to them.
From a phone conversation with my best friend:
Me: Should I tell him I'm gay, too?
Best Friend: Why not? He obviously trusts you.
Me: But should I trust him?
Best Friend: Hunny, if you won't trust him now, you never will. Don't complicate things. Just keep it simple and happy.
Ah, my best friend. What shall I do without him?
Ext. Night time. Establishing shot of Ternie and HIM having dinner in a small eatery. Slow dissolve into a medium shot of Ternie and HIM walking along a side stret of Ortigas.
HIM: Alam mo, I'm getting used to this routine. Bahay, then office, then Ternie after...
Ternie lights up a cigarette. He tries to say something, stops, and tries to say it again.
Ternie: Can I tell you something. I dunno...You know...I...I never told anyone at work about it.
Ternie takes a deeps breath and exhales slowly.
Ternie: You know...you know I'm gay right?
HIM takes a moment before he answers.
HIM: Oo naman. I was just waiting for you to tell me.
Ternie: Really? Oh shit....How did you know?
HIM starts to chuckle.
HIM: I read kasi your blog.
Ternie: Fuck you! Puta ka! I knew it!
HIM chuckles even more.
Ternie: Taena, it was a huge mistake to show it to you briefly! Ugh. You're such a stalker! Sabi ko na nga ba, that was what you were referring to when I saw your tweet.
HIM stops chuckling.
HIM: Wait, what tweet? Binabasa mo ba Twitter ko?!
Ternie now starts laughing.
Ternie: Ahmmm. Ok! Fine! You stalk my blog, and I stalk your twitter. So quits tayo!
There is a comfortable silence as Ternie's laughter dwindles away. Ternie takes a drag from his cigarette before starting to say something. Slow pan shot to Ternie.
Ternie: I also hope you know that...that I...I like you, right?
Slow pan to HIM. HIM starts to smile as the shot fades out to black.