Sunday, March 15, 2009

Day 2

"Ho tante cose che ti voglio dire, o una sola,
ma grande come il mare, come il mare profunda ed infinita:
sei il mio amor e tutta la mia vita."

"I have so many things to tell you, or rather only one,
but it is as huge as the ocean, as deep and as infinite as the sea:
you are my love and my whole life."

- Puccini's La bohème

Dear Beb,

As the minutes slowly march towards the inevitable breaking of day, I beseech the cruel sun not to rise upon the east and herald the moment of your departing. Just you lay upon my bed in fitful slumber, so is my heart restless within me. The sweet murmurs, the barbed exchanges, the gentle ministrations, the searing passion, all I already pine for. And yet as I despair, it is these fleeting moments of tormentous bliss that give fuel to the hope that time and distance will be gentle to us, and that soon, we shall once again be in each others' loving arms.

I do not question the machinations of fate that has brought you into my life. Nor do I question the constraining hurdles that have prevented us from joining our lives together. All I know is that I answer to my soul's eternal wandering that has traveled the weary road, the meandering path which has eventually lead to you.

You are my heart's refuge, and my soul seeks to commence its restless journey within you.

I love you.


  1. Di ba, Herbs?

    You can wax lyrical and yet plummet to depths of despair over it.

